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National Park Service
Located on the Eastern Seashore of Maine this book has more to offer than just spectacular views of the ocean. Visit this land where waves assault impassive rocks, carriage roads ramble serenely under red spruce and birch, lobstermen and clam diggers harvest and beaver and deer thrive.

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Canyon de Chelly
Enter a complex ecosystem, where temperature ranges from scorching hot in the day time to freezing at night. The vast wildlife and plants have adapted to this rugged land. Covering approximately 120,000 square miles and covering Arizona, California, and Mexico it is a must see.

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Two parks in one book, this book brings you the best of both worlds. Discover detailed portraits of layered and sculpted cliffs and living canyons of Canyonlands National Park. Then travel to Arches National Park and see delicate arches, Island in the Sky, the Maze, Balanced rock and many more. Such names suggest the primitive spirit and wild desert beauty of the vast wilderness of rock.

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Capitol Reef
A Look on the outside area and you would never know what lies beneath. An astonishing 113 know caves lie beneath the surface of this park, some of them the largest caves in North America. See formations know as the "Witches Fingers" the "Veiled Statue" and the "Bashful Elephant".

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Death Valley
This book is packed full of spectacular photos of the facets of this vast canyon. Water-the creator and destroyer, ancient life clues, and life in the Grand Canyon are brought to life in this book. Learn the Geology and other interesting facts that make this canyon "Grand" in many ways.

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Nestled in Northwestern Wyoming Grand Teton provides habitat for a tremendous variety of plant and animals. Experience the symphony of its glorious mountains, lakes, valleys, and the river. Be transported by the beautiful photography of the wilderness at its best.

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Mesa Verde
Clues to our ancestral past are protected here in the Southwestern corner of Colorado. Over 4,000 archaeological sites of Puebloan culture as well as endangered plant species, and threatened wildlife are showcased within this book. Take a step back in time and see what life was like; see what is being done to protect this archaeological site so that future generations may learn and enjoy the past as well.

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Hawaii Volcanoes
How did the Hawaiian Islands come to be? Visit two of the most active volcanoes in the world, which create vast lava fields, lush rain forests, and alpine summits. A complex ecosystem and distinct human culture have also evolved to make Hawaii what it is today.